Cold splicing materials
With the modern materials, developed by Rema Tip Top, the splicing process is possible at an ambiental temperature, without a vulcanizing press, a big amount of money. With a well realized “cold splicing” we can obtain the same result like with a classic hot vulcanizing. The most used cold splicing material was Cement SC 2000 and his hardener, but due to the EU regulations, it will be replaced by the Cement SC 4000 starting with 2014. The tests showed that SC 4000 has stronger adhesion like SC 2000. There are also other cold materials and glues, like Metal Primer PR 200, which is used for rubber linings, and is compatible with SC 2000 and SC 4000 also. There are available different cleaning solvents, Plastic cements, etc. TOP RUBBER SERVICE provides you all the range of products from Rema Tip Top.